
Advanced Williams’ E Medium

Advanced Williams’ E Medium contains L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine as well as ingredients to allow for serum reduction.  Additionally, A-Williams’ E needs 2-5% FBS and provides more consistency.



PurMaTM Advanced Williams’ E Medium contains components that allow for a 60–90% reduction in FBS supplementation. More importantly, using synthetic components such as recombinant insulin, albumin, and transferrin increases consistency. This results in less variation amongst lot-to-lot serum changes. In A-Williams’ E, L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine is used as the source of glutamine. Additionally, reducing FBS requirements lowers the cost of cell culture experiments.


Advanced Williams’ E Contains:

  • includes all twenty essential and non-essential amino acids with higher concentrations than regular and MAX formulations.
  • A-Williams’ E incorporates elements that significantly reduce the need for a serum for cell culture.

Crucial Ingredients:

  • PurMaTM Human Transferrin (Holo): prevents Improper iron storage and delivery in cell culture systems which is a major contributor to oxidative stress and protein damage.
  • PurMaTM Insulin Recombinant
  • Trace of other elements which mimic the elements in fetal bovine serum.

Consequently, Advanced Williams’ E Medium is a significant step toward a chemically defined form of this media. Unquestionably, Chemically Defined Advanced Williams’ E (CD-A-Williams’ E) is the outcome of decades of cutting-edge research and will soon be offered globally to laboratories that are looking for consistency and repeatability in their data.


Complete formulation is available: Advanced Williams’ E Medium Formulation 


AppearanceRed, clear liquid
pH7.2 ± 0.1
Osmolality275-360 mOsm/L
EndotoxinNMT< 2EU/mL
Suitability Suitable for mammalian cell culture
AdditiveSodium pyruvate
IndicatorPhenol red
Mycoplasma DetectionNegative
Sterility TestedSterile filtered using 0.22 µm filter
Shipping Condition Room temperature


Additional information


A-William’s E Standard Formulation, A-William’s E w/o L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine, A-William’s E w/o Phenol Red, A-William’s E w/o Sodium Bicarbonate, A-William’s E w/o Sodium Pyruvate, A-William’s E w/o Glucose, A-William’s E w/o L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine, w/o Phenol Red, A-William’s E w/o Phenol Red, w/o Sodium Bicarbonate, A-William’s E w/o L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine , w/o Phenol Red, w/o Sodium Bicarbonate, A-William’s E High Glucose (4.5 g/L), A-William’s E Low Sodium Bicarbonate (1.1 g/L), A-William’s E 15 mM HEPES (3.6 g/L), A-William’s E 25 mM HEPES (5.9 g/L), A-William’s E 15 mM HEPES (3.6 g/L), Low Sodium Bicarbonate (1.1 g/L), A-William’s E 25 mM HEPES (5.9 g/L), Low Sodium Bicarbonate (1.1 g/L)


Liquid, Powder


10 X 1000ml, 10 X 500ml, 1 x 500 ml, 6 x 500 ml, 1 x 1000 ml, 6 x 1000 ml, 1 x 10 L, 1 x 50 L


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