
Stem Cell Cryoprotective Media (SCCM-D) With DMSO

PurMa Biologics is the leading company in Manufacturing Cryoprotective Media. Moreover, PurMa™ Stem Cell Cryoprotective Media With DMSO is the next generation Cryoprotective Media . It considerably limits the cell damage during the freezing and ensures the recovery, survival, and viability as well as functionality after thawing.



Certainly, there has been a development in the cryopreservation of several stem cells. Especially in  hematopoietic mesenchymal stromal and induced pluripotent stem cells.  Post‑thaw cell death remains, however a considerable problem in stem cell technology. Moreover, Stem Cell Cryoprotective Media (SCCM-D) With DMSO considerably limits several current issues. Those includes  the cell damage during the freezing and ensures the recovery, survival, and viability as well as functionality after thawing.

Why Cryopreservation

During cryopreservation,  cooling aqueous solutions shifts below the equilibrium freezing point. This will subsequently result in the formation of ice crystals in the extracellular media. This  will cause a decrease in concentration of water which has two key consequences:

  1. Generally, osmotic gradient forms across the cell membrane, which causes “cell dehydration”, and
  2. Consequently, Ice formation and abnormal concentration of solutes in the intracellular matrix, osmatic shock, and toxicity.

With decades of supremacy in stem cell biology, biochemistry, and cell culture, PurMa Biologics has developed a next generation cryoprotective media specialized for delicate stem cell culture technology. PurMa™ SCCM-D contains DMSO and gives the best preservation for stem cells, particularly proven successfully on hematopoietic, mesenchymal stromal, and induced pluripotent stem cells.

Special Features

  • Ready-to-Use.
  • Moreover, PurMa™ SCCM-D provides an exceptional cryopreservation for primary and commercial cell lines.
  • PurMa™ SCCM-D With DMSO provides much higher cell viability after short/long-term cryoprotection, (66% recovery rate)
  • PurMaTM SCCM-D Prevents the formation of crystals in extracellular space. This  consequently, prevents cellular dehydration and resulting in less exposure to toxins from the non-recovering cells.
  • Preserves morphological appearance as a standard factor of cell recovery.
  • We Test PurMa™ SCCM-D  for pH, osmolality, sterility, and endotoxin.
  • Each Lot of PurMaTM SCCM-D goes through several important tests. Those are  a survival test (by Trypan Blue method), viability & performance evaluation (by MTT Test), and the rate of recovery by Alamar Blue test.
  • PurMaTM SCCM-D has been tested successfully for several commonly used stem cells. The mostly used are  including hematopoietic, mesenchymal stromal/stem, and induced pluripotent stem cells.
  • Suitable for clinical applications.


for PurMa Biologics guideline for cryoprotection, click here as well as in corresponding tab: PurMa™ Guideline for Cryoprotecting various cell lines


  1. Long-term preservation of permanent human hematopoietic cell lines. Mizrahi et al. J Med. 1971; 2(6) :380-6.
  2. Survival of human bone marrow progenitor cells after freezing: improved detection in the colony-formation assay. Schlunk et al. 1981 Apr;18(2):111-8. doi: 10.1016/0011-2240(81)90082-1
AppearanceRed, clear liquid
pH 7.2 ± 0.1
Osmolality 275-360 mOsm/L
Endotoxin NMT< 2EU/mL
Suitability Suitable for mammalian cell culture
Additive Sodium pyruvate
Indicator Phenol red
Mycoplasma DetectionNegative
Sterility Tested Sterile filtered using 0.22 µm filter
Shipping Condition Room temperature


Additional information


1 x 10 ml, 1 x 100 ml


PurMa Biologics Guideline for Cryoprotective Cell Type Selection

Quality Control



PurMa Stem Cells Cryoprotective Media _SDS

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