
R Cells Cryoprotective Media (RCCM) With DMSO

PurMa™ R -Cell Cryoprotective Media (RCCM-D) performs highly for cryopreservation of reproductive cells such as Oocytes & Spermatozoa. It contains proprietary formulation including DMSO.



PurMa™ R -Cell Cryoprotective Media (RCCM-D) performs highly for cryopreservation of reproductive cells such as Oocytes & Spermatozoa. It contains proprietary formulation including DMSO. Exposing cells to temperatures below 0°C without the aid of cryoprotectants has two key consequences:

  1. Osmotic gradient forms across the cell membrane, which causes “cell dehydration”, and
  2. Ice formation and abnormal concentration of solutes in the intracellular matrix, osmatic shock, and toxicity.

PurMa Biologics, with decades of experience in cutting-edge science, has manufactured PurMa™ R Cells Cryoprotective Media (RCCM) With DMSO  which gives a high survival and recovery rate for reproductive cells.

There are several criteria that make DMSO a powerful cryoprotective agent

  1. PurMa™ R -Cell Cryoprotective Media (RCCM-D) provides strong molecular stability.
  2. Besides, facilitates a high non-conductor constant.
  3. It contains the basic properties, salts solubility particularly for anions. Additionally contains a propensity to act as the acceptor atom in hydrogen bonding.
  4. Especially, DMSO makes a  hydrogen bond with water which is 30% stronger than between two water molecules.
  5. The proprietary formulation of PurMa™ RCCM-D allows the cryoprotective agent getting inside the cells instantly and lower cell death because of penetration/freezing.

PurMa™ R -Cell Cryoprotective Media (RCCM-D) penetrates inside the cells instantly and lower cell death.

Special Features for R Cells Cryoprotective Media (RCCM) With DMSO

  • Ready-to-Use medium.
  • Each Lot of our PurMaTM RCCM-D with DMSO goes through pathogens and sterility evaluations.
  • We evaluate each Lot for survival test (by Trypan Blue method), viability & performance evaluation (by MTT Test), as well as for the rate of recovery by Alamar Blue test.
  • R Cells Cryoprotective Media (RCCM) With DMSO results in the lowest cell loss during freezing and thawing as well as the highest cell recovery. Moreover, it provides over 66% survival and recovery rate after long term cryopreservation.
  • Sterile (Passed through 0.2µm filters).
  • Moreover, PurMaTM RCCM-D provides an exceptional cryopreservation for primary and commercial cell lines.
  • Suitable for clinical applications.

Guideline R Cells Cryoprotective Media (RCCM) With DMSO

For PurMa Biologics guideline for cryoprotection, click here as well as in corresponding tab: PurMa™ Guideline for Cryoprotecting various cell lines


  1. Fertilization of human oocytes following cryopreservation; normal karyotypes and absence of stray chromosomes. Gook et al. Hum Reprod. 1994 Apr;9(4):684-91. doi:10.1093/ oxfordjournals .humrep .a138572.
  2. Cryopreservation of single human spermatozoa. Cohen et al. Hum Reprod. 1997 May;12(5):994-1001. doi: 10.1093/humrep/12.5.994.
AppearanceRed, clear liquid
pH 7.2 ± 0.1
Osmolality 275-360 mOsm/L
Endotoxin NMT< 2EU/mL
Suitability Suitable for mammalian cell culture
Additive Sodium pyruvate
Indicator Phenol red
Mycoplasma DetectionNegative
Sterility Tested Sterile filtered using 0.22 µm filter
Shipping Condition Room temperature


Additional information


1 x 10 ml, 1 x 100 ml


PurMa General Guideline for Cryoprotective Media

Quality Control




1 review for R Cells Cryoprotective Media (RCCM) With DMSO


    Review: we have purchased Lipid Depleted FBS , DMEM F12 …. they were good quality and decent price
    Have you purchased: Yes
    Time of submission: 29-Jan-2025 23:10:30
    Ease of placing the order: 5/5

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